
◆“我们必须咬紧牙关,全力以赴去做一件事情;否则,我们将一事无成。” ??希特勒

英文:We must try our best to bite the bullet and do a thing, Otherwise, we will achieve nothing.

◆“每一代都至少应该经历一场战争的洗礼。” ??希特勒

英文:Every generation should at least through the baptism of a war.

◆“我来完成耶稣基督未竟的事业。” ??希特勒

英文:I to finish what Jesus Christ.

◆“他们得小心了,总有一天我们的忍耐到了尽头,那时侯我们会让那些无耻的犹太人永远住嘴!” ??希特勒

英文:They carefully, someday our patience has come to an end, then we will let those shameless jews never shut up!

◆“我不相信,那些以前在不断嘲笑我们的人,现在,他们还在笑!” ??希特勒

英文:I don't believe those before we laugh continuously, now, they still smile!

◆“我们应该感到高兴,未来必将完全属于我们!” ??希特勒

英文:We should be glad, future will completely belongs to us!

◆“德国的明天就指望你们了,德国的青年们!” ??希特勒

英文:Germany tomorrow will expect you, Germany's young boys!


英文:Social undertakings of, it is the crux of small, and in the right to restore

◆“一个人的责任并不在于默然的去工作,而是在公然的铲除罪恶,力谋补救。” ??希特勒

英文:A man is not to work, but the rest in the mountainous sin openly, what remedy

◆“胜者为王,败者为寇。我知道明天全世界的人都会因为我战败而责备我, 但那又有什么呢?”??希特勒

英文:Winners and losers. I know tomorrow will be person in the world because I lost, but the blamed me again?

◆“就是最残酷的武器,如果用后可以早获胜利,那么,对于人道的原则仍是不悖的。” ??希特勒

英文:Is the most brutal weapon, if after use, so as to win, for by the principle of humanity is still not contradiction.

◆“我们的斗争只可能有两种结果:要么敌人踏着我们的尸体过去,要么我们踏着敌人的尸体过去 ” ??希特勒

英文:We struggle can only have two results: either the enemy with our bodies in the past, we always used

◆“一个民族正经历着动荡,我们,在被幸运之神垂青。” ??希特勒

英文:A nation is experiencing unrest, we were lucky, in favor of god.

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